Monday, March 29, 2010

How To Pick Your Motorcycle

When shopping for a motorcycle, there are many varieties for you to choose from. In fact, there are so many different varieties, that it can be difficult to make a choice, especially if you don’t know what you are looking for, or have never owned a motorcycle before. There are a few general categories that motorcycles are organized into, and hopefully, by learning about these categories, you will be better able to narrow down the choice to something that fits your style, pocketbook and safety.

By far, the most popular variety of motorcycle is called the cruiser. These motorcycles are great for the novice rider, because they are not difficult to handle on the road, and tend to be very durable. These motorcycles generally have a standard seat, general handle bars, nothing fancy, and are comfortable to ride for long periods of time. They are easy to turn, and still are easy to handle and manage, even at high speeds. The only really bad thing about this variety of motorcycles is that they are pretty heavy, so you will need some muscle to handle them well, and you will have to focus on balance a slow speeds and stops.

Many custom motorcycles also fall into the cruiser variety. Choppers and tour bikes are actually just modified cruiser motorcycles, with some perks and upgrades added here and there to suit the individuality of the rider. The tour bike is designed to provide you with the most comfortable ride, so that you can go miles and miles and never need a break.

Motorcycles that fall into the sport variety are made for speed. These motorcycles are designed to be fast as lightning, with little thought to the comfort of the rider. These motorcycles are commonly used for racing, rather than cruising around town. They are lightweight, which adds to their speed, and can be handled easily, even at those high speeds! They are the consummate trick bike.

The dual-sport variety motorcycle has extremely large wheels, so that it can be ridden on virtually any surface. Whether you ride to work on the street, or go off road on the weekends, this motorcycle can suit both needs equally well.

Many people prefer to purchase off road motorcycles, because of the fact you aren’t required to have a license to ride them. Without a license, you cannot have them on the road, but they are great fun when racing on dirt tracks, and up and down hills. Off road motorcycles are more commonly known as dirt bikes.

Once you know which variety of motorcycle will work best for you, your search should be somewhat easier. You will need to figure out how much money you can afford to pay for your motorcycle, and arrange financing if you don’t have the funds you need already on hand. Take your time and choose a motorcycle that you can afford, and that will suit your needs well. Don’t forget to purchase your safety gear at the same time, because you really shouldn’t risk riding without top notch safety gear. As my oral surgeon once told me, motorcycle accidents where the rider is not wearing a helmet aren’t pretty.

This blog on motorcycles is created by Howard Larrabee...You can't have a motorcycle without a tattoo, can you?Click Here to See The Greatest Tattoo Site

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